În timp ce națiunea americană așteaptă vești de la vicepreședintele Kamala Harris miercuri dimineață, apropiații acesteia cer să i se acorde spațiu și timp campaniei sale pentru a procesa pierderea imensă suferită în alegerile prezidenţiale, informează CNN.
„Vă rugăm să acordați timp campaniei Harris pentru a-și defini propriile puncte forte și puncte slabe”, a declarat o sursă apropiată campaniei pentru CNN, relatează Rador Radio România.
Ce așteptări avea
În noaptea alegerilor, echipa Kamalei Harris și-a exprimat încrederea că vor obţine cele 270 de voturi necesare şi au susținut că au prezentat argumente solide atunci când a venit vorba de a oferi țării o nouă generație de lideri și de a avertiza împotriva amenințării pe care, în opinia lor, o a doua președinție Trump ar reprezenta-o pentru țară. După cum arată rezultatele alegerilor, aceste argumente nu au avut câștig de cauză.
Trump – câștigător
Candidatul republican la Casa Albă, Donald Trump, a fost proclamat miercuri învingător al alegerilor prezidenţiale din Statele Unite, cu un total de 277 de voturi electorale, după ce a câştigat statul Wisconsin, potrivit proiecţiilor realizate de CNN şi AP. Contracandidata sa democrată, Kamala Harris, a câştigat 224 de delegaţi, transmite EFE, relatează Agerpres.Şi reţelele Fox News, CNN şi NBC l-au declarat pe Trump viitorul preşedinte după ce au estimat că acesta a obţinut suficiente voturi din Colegiul Electoral în urma victoriilor obţinute în faţa lui Harris în state în care s-a dus o luptă grea, între care clusiv Pennsylvania şi Wisconsin.
Fostul preşedinte îşi revendicase deja victoria în faţa vicepreşedintei democrate Kamala Harris în timpul unui miting în faţa susţinătorilor săi la Palm Beach (Florida), după ce obţinuse rezultate parţiale bune şi câştigase votul popular, potrivit numărătorii preliminare.
Making Sure of Certified Tradespeople and Avoiding Initial Fees
Residents should ensure they hire certified professionals for roofing and remain wary of covering firms that ask for the whole amount up front. Certified professionals tend to provide reliable and quality services, as they adhere to professional guidelines and are answerable for their work. Non-qualified providers could take shortcuts or give low-quality results, leading to likely complications and later expenses. Additionally, trustworthy covering firms typically ask for an appropriate deposit with balance completed after finishing. Consenting to settle the complete amount beforehand might leave homeowners exposed to dishonesty or unfinished work. Verifying credentials and equitable payment agreements is essential for ensuring homeowners’ interests.
For example An resident employs a roofing company that asks for the whole amount beforehand. Following payment, the firm performs an inferior job and declines to resolve the issues until additional funds is given. The resident is stuck with a shoddy covering and more charges to fix the work.
To illustrate An resident verifies they employ a qualified expert and complies to an appropriate payment plan. The professional finishes the project on time and to high standards, leaving the homeowner satisfied with the results and secure from future problems.
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How Engaging An State Welfare Inability Attorney Is Significant.
Hiring A SSA Ineptness Legal Professional Is Crucial.
The SSA Supervises countless programs from job-loss protection to welfare assistance, and also takes care of impairment benefits for persons incapable to do a job due to protracted ailment or harm. As with all sophisticated institution, there are guidelines and rules which must be adhered to by the aforementioned organization in arrangement to obtain beneficial outcomes. In need of an knowledgeable SSA legal professional Could be vital.
Bringing on the seasoned SSD counsel can help you deal with the complications of SSA Security for Seniors Act, increasing your likelihood of approval for privileges. They might guarantee that your submission is registered accurately and includes substantiating medical evidence; furthermore, they comprehend how to amass this evidence swiftly so it is not put forward late; furthermore, they could circumvent providing irrelevant data that might cause obstacles and denials by the Senior Support Allowance.
Your specialized professional in disabilities will also prime you for a hearing with SSA if your application is dismissed, by detailing what to expect at it and responding to any of your inquiries about what happens there. They could support with providing additional proof and querying the justice who heard your case to examine their verdict and cross-examine witnesses or vocational experts called by Social Security to testify on your behalf, which will enhance the opportunity that an introductory appeal for disability succeeds if initial denied. Lawyers for social security disability could get back any past due beneficial outcomes attributable to changes in the starting date, which represents when your health condition began. Effective champions for disabled individuals could aid with recovering any past due perks that would have been lost thanks to changes in the starting date or when your condition began.
Applying for an application for SSDI benefits involves a careful consideration of the specific conditions that make you eligible
Reasons to Consider a Advocate Experienced in Disability Cases 930b220