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Preşedintele Ucrainei, Volodimir Zelenski, transmite că Rusia va folosi arme chimice: „Va fi tardiv”

File photo of Russian soldiers from the chemical warfare unit. Russia’s parliament approves on Tuesday Feb 22, 2022 a request from President Vladimir Putin to use the country’s military forces outside the country, a move which could allow a broader attack on Ukraine. Putin made his request in a letter to the upper house of parliament to formalise any Russian military deployment. The move was quickly rubber-stamped later on Tuesday and comes into immediate effect. The parliamentary approval came just hours after the US said an invasion of Ukraine had begun following Putin's order to dispatch troops to two separatists republics which Moscow newly recognised their status of independence in eastern Ukraine on Monday night.,Image: 664261054, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: EyePress via AFP / AFP / Profimedia